Being right may not be a defense, but you can hold your head high knowing you were right. The tide is turning, and although I know I probably shouldn’t revel in the comeuppance that’s going to befall some people, I will.

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Truth lost at the University of Alberta like it is all over the western world. That is what industry fears the most. Carry on speaking the truth and thank you.

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Thank you for standing up for the truth, despite the personal cost.

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Congratulations! Too few have stood by their principles as you did. Truth is truth and ideology is not.

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Excellent and moving post. And so glad you weren't defeated in spirt by this major mean/nasty crapola. The attempts to silence us really do seem intent on breaking our spirits and souls. But what doesn't bring us down, strengthens us. And being, excuse me, from the States, I think our election and the consequent Democratic feigned (perhaps) confusion as to what went wrong, and some Dems actually saying perhaps they've leaned a bit too much towards the insane and extreme woke agenda, as per example the nonsense "gender identity" and lets get the kids on board by making them our baby "trans" ambassadors, will perhaps not only allow for our voices finally to be heard, but also influence Canada to value free speech more. (ridiculously long confusing sentence, sorry)

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Thanks and I agree. The tide is turning fast, at long last!

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that's so great that you have that feeling in Tranada also. I mean we know the "trans cult" is very powerful and flush with bucks, and they will not go down without a major major war, whimpering and crying and saying how vulnerable they are while throwing at us all the weapons they can muster, along with their many enablers in high and low places, but as soon as the establishment understand they've been conned and it won't fly with their voters and consumers, bye bye anti reality, anti science, anti woman, anti child--male driven cult.

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You have pulled your weight and then some Kathleen: "Everyone who helped or sat on their hands has a harvest of shame awaiting them." I am proud to stand with you. This was heartbreaking to read. The zealots at the helm of this psych-op must be punished.

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Sorry to hear the results. It’s really shameful that so many, including a supposedly wise judge, are ignorant to the issue of academic freedom. It may not always be an outright sacking but a lower level removal of priceless and internal shaming.

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You did the right thing. You courageous few are turning the tide, slowly, but the zeitgeist IS shifting. I am with you all the way. As a Canadian you may not like Donald Trump (its possible you do, but it is statistically unlikely) but he has done us all a favor by using the tag line "Kamala is with They/Them, President Trump is with you' which HUGELY resonated and possibly won him the election, gender ideology was the sleeper issue in the election. Normies are beyond fed up, they are starting to get it en masse, so keep pushing.

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You gave me courage to speak out and continue to inspire me.

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May the world have great admiration for your stoicism, as it had for Jordan Peterson’s handling of his academic problems.

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Eppur si muove.

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Kathleen, try the new Freedom University in Texas. I believe Kathleen Stock is lecturing there.


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Happily I still have a job — I was fired from a role, not from my entire position. But this ruling means that anytime a professor’s controversial views cause…. controversy, like actual controversy, not hypothetical potential controversy, Canadian universities can remove them from service roles. It’s the end of collegial governance in Canada. It means only docile conformists can be involved in the day to day running of the university, which already happens more than it should.

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I cannot understand what this world has come to when simply stating a simple fact: that sex is a binary, that there are only men and women and that sex is immutable is considered bad! What an Orwellian world we live in!

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You're doing what is right instead of what is easy. Only wish there were many more like you!

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You are a courageous and strong woman. 💗

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thank you!

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To whom you are attracted sexually is purely subjective and therefore cannot reasonably be contested by an outside observer.

Where you decide to live your life on a spectrum of superficial, stereotypical male to female attributes (and we all do) is also purely subjective and similarly cannot be questioned.

However, your biological sex reflects an objective reality which cannot be changed by your subjective personal view and futile attempts to do so can result in serious health impacts to you as well as harms to members of the sex you are impersonating (primarily women).

Others who are grounded in objective reality should never be forced to accept your subjective version of your actual biological sex.

Finally, it's past time for the LGB community to separate themselves from the trans activists who are trying to take away the rights of women to fairness in sports and to privacy and safety in their restrooms, locker rooms and prisons. They also advocate for the chemical and surgical mutilation of children many of whom would grow up gay.

Their actions are evil and the

understandable negative reaction to the harm they are causing is spilling over to innocent people who are just going about their business, marrying and leading their lives.


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