Omgawd! How funny. Had no idea!

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It doesn't take much mental effort to stand back and take a look at what's going on. There is no way, aside from the "something in the water" conspiracy theory or some such ridiculous notion as that, that upwards of 10 percent of young adults and children, mostly girls, think they are born in the wrong body. After watching "Affirmation Generation" (which was heartbreaking to try and get through) it seems criminal that mental health issues have been dismissed in favour of the cure-all of "gender affirmation" and all of the medical issues that that entails. These doctors and psychologists and psychiatrists have condemned these young people to be a medical experiment for the rest of their lives. And shame on the parents who go along with this.

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Many of those parents were gaslit by the medical "professionals" who told them their kid would die by suicide if not transed immediately.


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Perhaps. I imagine quite a few of them are motivated by fear for their children as you say. I don't know how I would respond if it were one of my children. I know my children are worried about their pre-school children and what ideology might be driven into their little developing brains on this and other topics. But what if every parent who agreed to "gender affirmation" whether medically or not were then to stand up and argue against it afterwards and were NOT to become an ally. This gender issue and a whole lot of other issues in Canada at least, and probably everywhere else, are hijacked by "allies," which is a curious social phenomenon I haven't figured out yet. They are seen at protests and rallies fervently and rabidly supporting causes they aren't really a part of. What if these people,. who are also parents who I imagine think they are acting in the best interests of their child, stopped doing this.

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"There is no way, aside from the "something in the water" conspiracy theory or some such ridiculous notion as that, that upwards of 10 percent of young adults and children, mostly girls, think they are born in the wrong body."

Firstly, is it even accurate to say they think they're born in the wrong body? (I mean these days).

I mean, that was the traditional way of framing 'trans' (a word which is now so overused it means everything and nothing), but I thought the modern phenomenon was more often about wanting to be 'more boyish', to escape the horrors of being a woman and of being desirable, of menstruating etc.

The trend seems to be shifting more towards NB, but even those who identify as 'trans' seem to treat the category of 'trans' as a distinct gender (or perhaps a non gender), rather than a desire to fully become the opposite sex. I could be wrong though. Maybe those who desire to fully become the opposite sex are just less vocal and activist-y about it.

Secondly, while there is obviously a huge social engineering/ ideological/ cult-ish component to all of this (and a profitable industry too) - I would not dismiss environmental factors outright. Testosterone is plummeting in males, and synthetic oestrogens are everywhere. I've heard that excessive oestrogens are converted into testosterone in girls (I may have that wrong).

We know that fertility is one of the first systems to be affected by environmental pollution (or starvation or disease)... but I think the same is also true for gender identity too. Apart from the chemical pollution in foods and packaging, we also have EMF pollution from wireless technology. EMF pollution is collapsing the entire eco system (insects are down by 76% in the last 30 years, birds are also in decline and are literally dropping dead out of the skies all the time now too).

Studies on storks have shown that the closer to cell towers they are the more dysfunctional their behaviour gets. Storks furthest from cell towers will happily build nests, pair bond and hatch lots of eggs. But storks closets to cell towers can't be bothered to build nests, don't pair bond, don't lay eggs and just spend all day staring into space or fighting each other. If they could tell us their pronouns, they'd probably be they/ them.

Microwave pollution is currently a quintillion times above natural levels (that's 18 zeros). The first generation to have been born and raised in wifi enabled homes, and brought up with smart phones and ipads as standard 'toys' are also the generation who experienced an epidemic of gender dysphoria when they hit puberty around 2014. I think that is no coincidence.

I think there are multiple factors at play ...... from EMF pollution ...... to the rise of social media and 'digital culture' ('digital' online culture is literally a disembodied realm with no physical dimension)... to the transhuman agenda (non binary and gender queer are the perfect stepping stones to take society closer to genderless cyborgs and artificial wombs).

Nobody wants to acknowledge the effects of microwave pollution on health (and our sense of gender) because everyone is addicted to their smartphones and other wireless gadgets. How many people would be prepared to give up their wireless toys to save children from having the gender zapped out of them?!

"These doctors and psychologists and psychiatrists have condemned these young people to be a medical experiment for the rest of their lives. And shame on the parents who go along with this."

100% agree. I just think there are multiple aspects to all this. If we could establish some environmental links, that would take the topic out of the hands of the ideologues and put it back into the realm of science and objectivity (and maybe even sanity too).

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"Firstly, is it even accurate to say they think they're born in the wrong body? (I mean these days)."

I don't think it is accurate. I think a better description of a transwoman is a man who resents being a man - a man who wishes he were a woman, a man who is envious of the female experience. A transwoman is a man who not only prefers to see himself as a woman, but wants the validation of everyone else playing along.

I think it also depends on the type - the canonical transexual has motivations that are different from AGP types.

Seen in this way, we can find liberal support for transgenderism, though of course it means transwomen are best left out of women's changing rooms, sports, prisons, etc.

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Children can no more "consent" to have their healthy breasts and genitalia removed or take puberty blockers than they can "consent" to have sex with an adult.

Similarly, parents and doctors can no more approve such permanent mutilation simply because a minor child desires it than they can approve pedophilia.

Ultimately society will see the truth and ban the practice as we have banned female genital mutilation. Do people support that practice if the parents consent? I truly hope not

It is monstrous to believe otherwise and those who do will ultimately be held to account for their actions.

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I just hope those responsible will be held to account, but they won’t have to suffer nearly as much as the children they have abused and harmed for life!

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I agree that it is monstrous to believe otherwise, but our society’s leaders, institutions, and many citizens currently do!

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Well said. Hope it encourages more of us in canada

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Excellent, Kathleen. I love your wit and irony!

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Great piece Kathleen, but here's my question: what does 'UwU' stand for please?

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That green monster thing the kid is holding looks like it straight out of Stranger Things.

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I believe this movement has proved how cults and grooming are not limited to direct access anymore, but can be widely and quickly spread in the dark corners of the internet to unsuspecting victims through means of covert control, brainwashing, catfishing, grooming and gaslighting... feeding on vulnerable and naive people, mainly children, who are in desparate need of validation and acceptance.

IT (the sick, twisted, manipulative predators aka trans activists) CREATED the problem of gender dysphoria, IT SPREAD and GROOMED the ideology and socially contagious mental health disorder, IT BRAINWASHED the world to believe the false virtue signalling which in turn ENABLED IT's behaviour and then IT offered the support and solution in the guise of a saving the very victims IT stung and ensnared....

IT is a dangerous beast that needs to be stopped. Not managed, not gatekept, not included but STOPPED!!!!

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This was an informative article and so disturbing of the demonic Trans Movement in Canada.🇨🇦

The United States isn't far behind in this legalized Child Abuse 🇺🇸

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Thanks for the link. Tehseen Ladha is a reliable voice advocating The Current Thing, Whatever It Is. Will make a note for my local receipts file.

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What's amazing is that the article cites WPATH's standards of care as respectable grounds for dissenting from the Cass review. Surely, surely, the author most know that the leaked WPATH files have completely discredited that organization.

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It is like the CBC has an embargo on acknowledging recent developments, so they write from inside a mini crappy time machine

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When I read this, it seems like the sport is saying that they believe puberty blockers are fine and good for kids!!????

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